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Aubrey si vždy přála být mladou maminkou. To se jí splnilo krátce po tom, co potkala svého partnera. O miminko se začali snažit už po roce manželství. Šlo to rychle, Aubrey byla těhotná skoro okamžitě a její partner i celá rodina se na miminko začali těšit.
Ve čtvrtém měsíci těhotenství čekali budoucí rodiče na výsledky důležitého vyšetření. "Když jsem zvedla telefon, na který mi volala moje doktorka výsledky, věděla jsem, že je něco špatně," podotkla Aubrey. Do nemocnice se dostavila, co nejrychleji to šlo, a nečekaly ji tam dobré zprávy. Bylo téměř jisté, že děťátko bude mít rozštěp rtu.
Chris podstoupila operaci. Takhle vypadá nyní:
Zobrazit příspěvek na Instagramu A smile-versary. Just another term I never had used or heard of before becoming a Cleft Mom. A year ago today, my sweet girl got her forever smile. As a cleft parent, it’s sometimes hard to find the balance between wanting your child’s cleft journey to be something they’re proud of but also not wanting them to ever feel like it defines who they are. That first year, our life was centered on it. Cleaning her NAM every night, changing her tape every day, pumping because she couldn’t breastfeed, doctor appointments once, twice, sometimes even three times a week. Three times on anesthesia. Two major surgeries. Now we’re in a new phase, where we don’t say “cleft” every day. There will be weeks or months in the next decade where the cleft feels back at the center, but thankfully a big part of the journey is behind us. I would never want Christian to feel ashamed of how she was born. Her cleft is one small thing that has helped shape her (and will continue to shape her) into who she is. She is strong, she perseveres, she’s positive and joyful, she’s beautiful. So today is a day we celebrate her bravery. We remember the first smile we fell in love with. We think back on the hardships she’s overcome. And we’re grateful for how far Christian has come. Our little warrior girl. Happy smileversary! #cleftstrong #cleftproud Příspěvek sdílený A U B R E Y (@raisinghiswildflowers), Lis 6, 2019 v 2:53 PST
A smile-versary. Just another term I never had used or heard of before becoming a Cleft Mom. A year ago today, my sweet girl got her forever smile. As a cleft parent, it’s sometimes hard to find the balance between wanting your child’s cleft journey to be something they’re proud of but also not wanting them to ever feel like it defines who they are. That first year, our life was centered on it. Cleaning her NAM every night, changing her tape every day, pumping because she couldn’t breastfeed, doctor appointments once, twice, sometimes even three times a week. Three times on anesthesia. Two major surgeries. Now we’re in a new phase, where we don’t say “cleft” every day. There will be weeks or months in the next decade where the cleft feels back at the center, but thankfully a big part of the journey is behind us. I would never want Christian to feel ashamed of how she was born. Her cleft is one small thing that has helped shape her (and will continue to shape her) into who she is. She is strong, she perseveres, she’s positive and joyful, she’s beautiful. So today is a day we celebrate her bravery. We remember the first smile we fell in love with. We think back on the hardships she’s overcome. And we’re grateful for how far Christian has come. Our little warrior girl. Happy smileversary! #cleftstrong #cleftproud
Příspěvek sdílený A U B R E Y (@raisinghiswildflowers), Lis 6, 2019 v 2:53 PST
Narodila se jí dcera Christian a byla nádherná. Pro své rodiče byla tou nejkrásnější holčičkou, která si navíc na instagramovém profilu své maminky získala řadu fanoušků. Měla velké oči a roztomilý zamračený výraz. Aubrey i její manžel věděli, že jejich dceru čeká dlouhá cesta, ale bylo pro ně nejdůležitější, že tu s nimi malá Christian může být!
Teď už má malá Chris po operaci a je z ní veselá holčička, do které by nikdo neřekl, že trpěla malou vadou na kráse. A rodina se už pár týdnů raduje z malého miminka, holčičky Heidi. Takže z Chris je velká sestra.